Monday, August 6, 2007

Gigantus Interruptus


Anonymous said...

I live close to this gigantic project and I'm glad that work has stopped, hopefully forever. We don't need to convert our neighborhood into a hodge-podge, and encourage others to do whatever their idea of "home" is, become a monster.

Anonymous said...

This is the best thing that could happened in this area. Property values will soar. Hopefully someone will get rid of that brick piece of crap next door and do the same thing. These critics are simply jealous of what others can do, and know that they can't, and only wish they could afford to do the same. Stop complaining and get on with reality, change is necessary, good and does not have to be illegal. Just walk up and down that street and see for yourself the sorry state of disrepair these homes are in...and the famously hypocritical Miss "stuck in 1971" Harrington, who lives in one of the most overdeveloped parcels in the area. And don't forget about the illegal apartments that are cluttering this "one family" neighborhood. Please look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Benny "the bungler" Salanitro for that really very eloquent commentary on the article. We readers especially appreciate your dealing with the blatant illegalities that you have continuously used and the over-the-top attorney conflicts that you STILL are wed to. But we readers especially like your obvious disdain of self-serving ad hominem attacks on the reporter. No question Benny; when you are totally intellectually bankrupt, as you are, it's fun to beat up on the messenger. Such brilliance. And Benny, does water STILL run uphill for you?