Thursday, May 31, 2007

Section on Standards of Conduct in the Draft Amendment to Village of Mamaroneck Ethics Law

§ 21-6. Standards of conduct. Every officer or employee of the Village of Mamaroneck shall be subject to and abide by the following standards of conduct:

A. Gifts. No officer or employee of the village shall directly or indirectly solicit any gift or accept or receive any gift having a value of more than twenty-five dollars ($25), whether in the form of money, services, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, thing or promise or any other form, under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to influence him or could reasonably be expected to influence him in the performance of his official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on his part.

B. Disclosure of confidential information. No officer or employee of the village shall disclose confidential information acquired by him in the course of his official duties or use such information to further his personal interests or the private interests of others.

C. Rendering of services. No municipal officer or employee of the village, as defined in § 21-2, shall receive compensation or enter into any agreement to receive compensation, express or implied, with respect to any matter which is, was or will be before him or her for determination in his or her official capacity as a municipal officer or employee of the Village of Mamaroneck. In addition, no municipal officer or employee of the Village of Mamaroneck shall receive compensation or enter into any agreement, express or implied, to receive compensation in relation to any matter before any municipal agency, department, board or commission, except as a part of his or her official responsibilities to that agency, department, board or commission or as a function of the official position of the municipal officer or employee.

D. Use of position to achieve preferential treatment. No officer or employee of the village shall use or attempt to use his or her official position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for himself or herself or others or grant any special consideration, treatment or advantage to any citizen beyond that which is available to every other citizen.

E. Disclosure of interest in legislation or other matter involving a conflict of interest.

F. Investments or other interest in conflict with official duties. No officer or employee of the village shall invest or hold any investment, directly or indirectly, in any financial, business, commercial or other private transaction which creates a conflict with his official duties.

G. Private employment. No officer or employee shall engage in, solicit, negotiate for or promise to accept private employment or render services for private interests when such employment or service creates a conflict with or impairs the proper discharge of his official duties.

H. Future employment. No officer or employee shall, after the termination of service or employment with the village, appear before any board or agency of the Village of Mamaroneck in relation to any case, proceeding or application in which he personally participated during the period of his service or employment or which was under his active consideration.


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